Thursday, October 21, 2004

Le Huitieme Jour

well we watched the rest of Le Huitieme Jour (the eigth day) today. it was such a weird movie. There was Harry, a workaholic whose job it was to teach banks the appropriate way to sell (eye contact, smile, give an impression of sucess, imitate your client...etc). then there was george, a downs-syndrom man who lived in a home for downs-syndrome people and who had visions of his dead mother and a singer named luis mariano. as i'm sure you can figure out, they meet and george rubs off on harry and gets him to enjoy the lighter side of life. and then george commits suicide (sorry if i ruined the movie for you).

the movie was a lot more interesting before the ending. i was quite disappointed by george suiciding himself. if he really was "an angel" or "something special" then shouldn't he have been able to make it here without Maman? And though we saw harry playing well with his children, did he ever work again? the man appears to be insane. i just don't like these unanswered questions.

i think that's why philosophy bothers me so much-i was just fine not asking questions, but now that i've asked them, where are the answers?

that's really all i have to say. not much, just a bit.



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