Thursday, November 04, 2004

ah so it's finally thursday, and that means friday is next.

tuesday was rather uneventful, as should now be expected with elections. never again will i stay up until 3 AM waiting for a decision. evidently that's just not how it works anymore. pity, isn't it? it's really kind of sad how everything's changed so much. decisions are so hard to make, especially when you know neither one is perfect, and neither one awful. it's all about priorities. and that's rather hard to sort out at times.

no sign of bus stop boy recently. it's kind of sad. ah well. what's meant to happen will happen, i figure.

tonight i have a social with PIKE- it's a dodgeball social. and as cute as it is, seriously... what do you wear to that? it's confusing.

everyone's been walking around with their boyfriends lately. i miss that. i've always had a boyfriend, pretty much (in the past few years) or at least someone to date. a year ago i was just dating the HDC. as much as i despise him now, it was good times then. i do sort of miss that. it's hard to listen to his CD too.

i can't believe it's november arleady. i'm almost done with my first semester here at georgia. it's incredible. it seems like only yesterday i was at envirothon, laurie was about to leave and ginna and i had a week or two left.

then it was rush, and ginna and i were always together. it was so stressful. you never knew what would happen- would you get released from your favorite? get an invite? of course everyone got released from one of their favorites. luckily that one sorority i had loved since day one kept me all the way through- and i got a bid, which was amazing.
me and candice just sitting there on the edge of our seats waiting for our rho chi to let us turn them over... screaming!

and now... it's almost one semester down. it's really really strange. i can hardly believe it. it's nice that it goes so quickly... but seriously... isn't this a little too quickly?

my heavens.



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