Monday, January 31, 2005

Rainy Days and Mondays... not all that bad

well it wasn't too rainy today. mostly just soggy from the "ice storm" this weekend.

i thankfully missed that, being away at the beach.

it was so lovely to be in the company of nice, normal, really smart people. sometimes i wonder if i ought to have gone to birmingham-southern college. but then i wouldn't be a sigma kappa or have my friends... it's a hard call.

evidently i'm better at writing than i thought i was. and not quite as good at languages. this is a sad day. i'm just not sure what to do with myself. i do want to be that domestic goddess, the stepford wife... but i'm still in college... so what do i study?

it's gorgeous and beautiful and stylish and elegant. i love how it rolls off my tongue without even making much sense at all.

not quite as awful as i thought it would be. it's fun to pronounce. but it's time consuming and frustrating to learn a new language when i was getting to know french pretty well.

i've never considered myself to be the writer my sister is. she's got it down. i just type and lo and behold, for an english class at a public school it's fairly decent. well, i got best response in my class, but it's just uga. and as much as i brag about it being tough, it's not that hard. hard to get in... but not hard.

home ec or whatever it's called now
i love baking. and i'm learning how to cook this summer. i love to crochet and make things for people to see them love it and smile. but what do you do with that? it's not like i'll be married right out of college... highly doubtful, at least. as kelsey says, i'm looking in the wrong places. firstly, i'm in georgia at a public school when i just want a smart nice guy who's interesting to talk to.

so really it's just me second-guessing myself. i'd always figured as soon as my dating ban was lifted, i'd be right back to how i was in high school, dating every night. but it hasn't worked out that way. and it's frustrating.

it's hard because i think i'm pretty (i'll come right out and say it. i'll not be a shrinking violet in my own blog) but it's hard to tell what everyone else is thinking. boys from high school are asking me out on dates that i hardly even knew back then, but they're in alabama and they aren't what i'm looking for.

maybe i'm too picky and i'm over-reaching. maybe i'm assuming i'm in a higher dating caste than i really am. i suppose i'm a little too rude every now and then, and i'm certainly not a "good girl" on the weekends... well, sometimes i am. i don't drink every weekend.

like we all do, i've turned to the internet masses for my therapists.

silent therapists
but therapists nonetheless.

who knows if my friends even actually read this. that's odd, isn't it? here i am, pouring out my soul on some stupid little screen and my best friends aren't even reading this.

and sometimes i write with someone in mind and i know they'll never read it. that's just common sense.

needless to say, it's not been a perfect night. but in retrospect, i could be worse off. at least i think i'm pretty.

i am pretty

just be sure and let me from time to time, won't you?



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