Tuesday, February 01, 2005

oh tuesday, i forgot about you. you may go.

alrighty i'm not sure if that was an exact quote or not, but no one's reading this to check me, so it's a lovely arrangement.

i just got done watching tombstone. it was actually good, for a tense and stressful movie. i enjoyed it immensely. i really do think i could watch it again. and not in a year, but rather a little bit sooner. this is rare.

went to english today. i swear i'm so ADD it's not even funny. i simply can't pay attention at all. he'll ask a question and avril will answer and by the time we've figured out what her answer was and he's asked me a question, i've forgotten what story we were talking about. and then, of course, i can't remember which story that was. and then i've forgotten the question.

what a cycle.

but i am feeling really quite competent in there.

i have choral cup practice in a few hours. i'm not sure if i want to audition for a solo or not. i mean, sure, i feel like i sing passably well, but we all miss a few notes here and there. and it'd be rather embarrassing to do that in front of my sisters. especially when i've already basically said i could sing simply by being in choral cup.

then again, i heard some of the girls last week, and i'm fairly sure i'm better than that. at least, candice and lisa tell me i am.

can you trust friends though? that seems sketchy. we've all lied to a friend about something at some point. it just has to be done. there's no such thing as a perfectly honest relationship, and i'm not sure i would want it. there's something good in boosting someone's ego just a hair.

i probably do that too much with my unstoppable flirting, but who am i to say it's an ego boost?

well let's face it, ANY flirting
from a cute guy or a gross guy
is flattering
so i assume it works the same with girls.

at any rate
i also got an a on my german test. i finally feel smart in there. i wanted to drop out after the test, but i guess i remembered more than i thought. or maybe i overreacted. or maybe i'm a good guesser.

i really don't fee like going to phi kappa this week. since the fiasco last week, i don't think lisa will come back this week. it really wasn't a fiasco at all, and i wish she understood that. but i can't say anything. which is sad.

oh my heavens
i'm tired.
do i have time for a nap before practice?


i'll get right on that.

i love my fair isle sweater



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