Sunday, March 20, 2005

sunday. last day of spring break.

for some reason, i don't get to pick colors or anything on this computer or on cat's. i don't know what's up with that. ah well.

so last night was super fun! we got dance-stalked by this random guy, and these other two guys just thought it was the funniest thing. we got invited to theta chi when we left sigma chi, but we ended up not going because once we got back over to theta chi after getting our jackets, they had left the chill porch area and we didn't feel like chasing down (b?)roscoe/oscar and chad/z.


i had a lot of fun dancing last night. i don't like to booty dance, per se, but i like to otherwise just to good music. fun dancing. not serious dancing. i'm no good at booty dancing, anyways. i'm super white.


i'm now very very tired. ugh. we got in late and i had to get up super early. mom had asked me to do children's assemblies today and i had agreed. and now i really wish i hadn't. in the first one, there were only 3 kids total, counting macy, so we skipped the dancing song which is really good because i don't know it. at all. mom showed me once before the 8:30 assembly. already gone completely out of my head. then, the power point got messed up on the scriptures, so i didn't finish reading it at all. i felt bad because it was important Palm Sunday scripture. eep. then we left on a rather depressed note, because i sucked at leading assembly in the 8:30 sunday school hour.

still have the next one to go. arghghghghghghfdlkafjklasdjfklas;f. i don't want to do it!

i'm driving back to georgia today. it's weird because i know i won't be there next year. i feel like i'm in limbo or something. eck.

regardless,i'll need a nap before i leave. no way can i drive 5 hours on such little sleep!

call me, loves, because i'll be lonely in georgia without yall!



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