Wednesday, March 09, 2005


i made the executive decision to skip tennis today. it's my first actual miss. it's cold.

on top of that, when i was climbing the mountain that is my loft last night, my foot slipped off the rung and i bruised and scraped my ankle. it hurts really bad. and i caught myself on a ribish area, and that hurts a lot too.

i'm so ready for spring break. i want to just be at home. it's so weird that i was so incredibly anxious to leave my house and now i just want to go back all the time. i still kind of want to go to BSC. it would be a good fit for me now, i think. i don't know though. i'd probably drink too much there. maybe just a small school in general. i don't know that i'm cut out for this big school stuff. tennessee tech is looking really good right now. especially since all i really want to do is major in english and do teach for america or that DOD program teaching overseas. it doesn't matter much where i go to school for that. needless to say, i'm not very happy here right now, and it's the first time i've seriously second guessed myself. if i hadn't already paid dues and all for sigma kappa next year... i might just transfer. but it's too late for that. i'm such a loser.

wow. i'm just now thinking about it and i am really a loser. i've got several goodish friends but no really GOOD friends. i call people my best friends but it doesn't really work out like that. i'm just a part of their lives by a thread. we'll see how long that lasts next year. maybe this is just a down in the dumps day and i'll get over it and be happy here again, like i was last semester. maybe i just haven't found those good friends yet. who knows.

i've got to get ready for german though. at least there i'm doing well. i have a test in that class tomorrow. i enjoy german, not because i really like it but because i get easy As in that class. by the way, i got a 94% on my last linguistics test. THAT'S RIGHT. i'm making As again! except for french, which only makes me that more certain i'll be going for an english major.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got your IM, and I shall now read your blog. I'm sorry you don't feel satisfied at UGA. You'll have fun in the house next year though, I predict. You are a house type of girl. I get in town on FRIDAY at the end of your spring break, so let's do something when I get there. Much love, my dear.

March 9, 2005 at 7:34 PM  

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