Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Old South

I've just finished reading William Alexander Percy's Lanterns on the Levee. I love it. I'm rarely so satisfied after a book... my, the last one i liked this much was probably The Scarlet Pimpernel, but it was very very good.

and now i really want to go and just be with a group of very good smart southerners. i'm feeling like a good conversation on *something* not to do with classes, but beyond what we normally go through. something else entirely. you'd think people like this would be everywhere here at georgia... but i have yet to find anyone like that

i want a nice warm springtime with tulips and buttercups and a nice big porch with rocking chairs. it's really bummed about the sorority house in that respect- the porch is abysmal! i'll have to talk to the house manager about it, i think. actually, i think i'll email her tonight.

but i'm sad we don't do things like William Alexander Percy did. People don't just drop by anymore. We aren't as social in a productive way. athens, of course, is very social in the bars... but people there are just a trifle stupid.

i'm doing what i absoluetely despise. i'm thinking myself better than i probably am. i'm thinking i'm smarter and more polite and more well read etc etc than anyone else on campus. and i know that's not true, but i've just got to figure out where these people *are*!

maybe i ought to start an Old South facebook club. then we can meet for good conversations and mint juleps. i don't think it's be very good for me to sit around and drink mint juleps, but i'd love to, and maybe it wouldn't be all that bad.

i think i'll get right on that. i'll just make people what i want them to be.

meanwhile, though, i've entered into that depression that follows learning about a life you want more than anything and finding you can't have it. i was born too late?

i'll be chaning the world if you need me

i need to fix my hair



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You actually finished the book? Heck, I'm not even done with it yet... I still have 50 pages or so left. I'm quite impressed that you actually took a reading suggestion, though! Let me know if you manage to create your Georgian intellectual society; I'll send you a good julep recipe/join in the fun :)

February 17, 2005 at 2:38 PM  

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