Monday, February 28, 2005


well i just took german test. i didn't do so hot, i don't think.
i found out i got an A- on my paper. it was supposedly at the bottom. i think he added the grade in later, personally.

my english prof also sent me an email about how the thesaurus is not for finding alternate words that might fit into a sentence instead of another overused word. i was upset by that. what's the POINT of a thesaurus if it's not that? i understand that in some situations not every word given will work, but seriously, kids ought to be able to figure that out by now. he saw in one of my peer revisions that i recommended a kid use a thesaurus to replace some words he used over and over again. i'm fairly certain this boy was capable of distinguishing a good choice from a bad choice.

it just hasn't been my day so far.

just one of those rainy mondays where things just piss you off, i guess.

maybe folk dancing will cheer me up.



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