Friday, March 11, 2005

spring break day 1

well i'm home in birmingham and things have been slow and then again very incredibly fast.

i've gotten pretty serious about transferring. i really think tennessee tech will be perfect for me. i hope. i'm just not that happy with georgia. it's so big. and i've outgrown the downtown culture. and i just don't like it as much as i thought i would. and everything about it that i don't like, tennessee tech has. so i'm excited about that. i've email the admissions office there to see if it's too late or what, since i was already admitted with scholarships last year. mom and i will probably be going up to visit later on next week.

i think i'd really miss sigma kappa and phi kappa. but let's face it, i hardly do anything with sigma kappa. and i hardly do anything with phi kappa too, come to think of it. ugh. so maybe i won't miss anything that much? i don't know. i won't be able to be in a sorority there, that kelsey and i know of, but i can be a little sister for a fraternity or something, and therefore still get to go to formals and all. and i think i'll feel more confident and at ease in a smaller more rural school where i can stand out as the sophisticated person. i like that. i thought i like georgia being all sophisticated, but i think i'd prefer to stand out. and i'll be closer to an area that i know well (rock island) and my grandparents.

there are other unrestful things afoot in the grissom family, but i'll save those for a later time. as it stands, i'm hoping to hear from tennessee tech soon and start making plans.

if i transferred, do you think people would talk bad about me or look down on me? i don't know.

oh! but here's what killed me. i told a few people about transferring and basically the response i got was "well i like it! sorry!" and "well that's too bad!" not a single "oh my heavens we'll miss you though!" evidently... i won't be missed. i can deal with that. yay for switching schools!

PLUS it'll be much cheaper. yay for that too!!

let me know what yall think. good move? bad move? hmm? and what happens if it IS too late?!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Small schools rock it. Of course, I'm biased. If you feel the need to transfer, by all means go for it. You don't want to be somewhere you're not happy.

March 12, 2005 at 8:19 PM  

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