Saturday, April 30, 2005


i will no longer be using this page.

i have MOVED ON

things have happened, evidently nothing anyone cares to know about that reads this, and yet because of those events i won't be using this anymore.



i will no longer be using this page.

i have MOVED ON


Tuesday, April 26, 2005


oh no.

this will not do at all

bad bad bad bad bad

this is ONLY directed at people who have eaten at milo's and/or those who remember what part i played in our 4th grade play and/or those who know the significance of the soft violet/the deep maroon, and if you don't, don't bother asking me about it because i won't tell you anything and will refuse to discuss it with you.

but if you do, give me a ring or drop me a line, because i have something to tell you.


Monday, April 25, 2005


I'm really really cold. why is it so cold outside? it's april. yeesh.

only one more folk dancing class left, no more tennis, two more french classes, two more english classes, two more linguistics classes, bunch of german classes... well, four more german classes... it's so excited! tonight it when i become an alumna from sigma kappa. i'm excited and nervous about that. some people have gotten confused about where i'm transferring to, thinking i'm going to georgia state. no, i'm not. i'm going to tennessee tech. gossips. ah well. anyways, it's our very last chapter. sort of sad. this thursday is my last meeting of phi kappa, and it's just elections, so i'm not really sure if i'll be going or not. probably so, just to see everyone again. not too sure.

yesterday was mother/daughter day, and it was wonderful to see mommy again! we had a great time. it really wasn't much beyond just the eating, but it was still fun.

my english portfolio will be due soon. i need to come up with a "wildcard" work to put in, something not from this semester's english class. problem is, i've only been in one english class since high school, and that's this one. so i've been having a hard time decided what to put in. short of writing something new, i think i'll go with my phi kappa petitioning speech. it was a good one, i think. made people cry. we'll see. i'll have to ask if we can put in a speech even. and then i'll have to do editing because punctuation doesn't matter when you read something out loud.

so busy! i have a german test on monday, and a bunch of culture activities i need to go for then, and a bunch of online work for it, a french paper due tomorrow, my final copy of paper 5 for english due tomorrow, linguistics homework, AND trying to get ice cream tonight with chris after chapter. i'll have to see if i even have time to. hopefully so, because he's a fun guy to talk to.

how am i going to get all my shoes home? and clothes? this is stressful. only a few more days of loftiness left! daddy's coming to take my loft down on friday and I CANNOT WAIT! i'm so sick of climbing up and down and up and down... such a hassle.

no lofts at tn tech!!


Sunday, April 17, 2005

almost there...

the end is near and i couldn't be happier.

i can't wait to just take off for a few weeks and do practically NOTHING but hang around the house. and not have to worry about money so much! yeesh! it's awful. do i have enough to get something to eat? will my hard get rejected for this bottle of water? awful.

sigma kappa soccer is this week. i'm actually half excited about working it, it might be fun. then sunday is mother daughter tea, and i can't wait to see mommy! i'll have to pretty much empty my room out then, or else i won't be able to bring everything home myself. but that should be fine. not a big deal.

i can't believe the semester is almost over!!!!! eep!

relay was fun this weekend, although iwas more than a little disappointed in the other team members. they hardly were there at all. it was pretty much just me and joy the whole time. good thing i love joy! ;D

and now it's almost time for my last PR meeting ever. that's hard to believe too. and i have SO MUCH LAUNDRY to do! golly! not looking forward to that. at all.

time to head out and test my debit limitations.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

another one

yes, that's right. another german test. i swear, i have more german tests than i do hairs on my head. and i've got a full head of hair. i'm so sick of those stupid online workbook things. and the lab manuals! yeesh! luckily, there's only one more test after this one. i'm GOING to stay on top of the last chapter so i don't have to scramble to finish the work. i WILL DO MY HOMEWORK FOR GERMAN!

only my oral french test left. my last linguistics test before the exam. only one more english paper
the year is blissfully almost done!

and i'll finally get to see my friends again. it's hard not seeing them. i miss our good times together. it's really hard to believe it's been a year since i decided to come to georgia. a whole year. time really does fly. or maybe it doesn't fly so much as it slips through your fingers in one silky filmy gush. it's like what happens when you watch too much sex and the city. time just escapes. or like what happens when you do too much german. is it 10:33 already?

i'm experiencing worry right now, and i don't like it. and it's not about school, it's more about my friends. it's weird. but i AM going to finish my german.


Monday, April 11, 2005

oh wonderful!

it's almost summer! things are moving along at a very rapid pace and that's exciting. i like when i don't think i'll have enough time to get everything done because that means that time will go by very quickly. like today. german is canceled (WONDERFUL!) so i can stay at the gym extra long this morning and get really sweaty for tennis, where candice and i can whip those whippersnappers into shape (UHH!) and then i can come back, take a shower, and instead of class, work on some homework for german that i've been ignoring. oops. and then i need to get lindsey's birthday present. no, i'm not referring to myself in the third person. my big sis lindsey. and i think i actually might have an idea what to get her, finally! fingers crossed.

so this weekend i went to birmingham for SoCo at BSC. that didn't quite work out. i went friday night, saw a few people i really wanted to see, but didn't really enjoy it, so i left at 11:30. and then i just didn't go back saturday. i don't know what came over me. i found the perfect wedges for summer, thank you mommy! and got to celebrate in those, and got a really cute polo shirt and a sweater, and watched wimbeldon. a good movie.

drove back yesterday, not a bad drive, went to my phi kappa pr meeting, that was good. then we went and did "guerilla chalking" and street painting. i went chalking with sis. grand big and that was super fun! i got hit on by a fellow who's name is supposedly hyatt, but he was a little drunk so i'm not sure. anyways, he was playing frisbee golf and came over and started talking to me, and asked me what i was doing after chalking. i told him i was going to bed. the poor guy was drunk. he said, "oh well. ok. i just wanted to know what you were doing, you know, tonight. because i was very...very... attractive... you are." but he was a nice guy. i told him to come to the debate thursday and we'd see what i was doing after that.

but all in all things are going well. i'm really really really sick of school and doing things. REALLY sick of it. i'm glad i'll have a few weeks before summer school starts. that'd be awful if i had to go straight there. but i'll have time, and i think that'll be fun. everyone's told me summer school is so much more laid back. i'm excited.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

aha! i have figured out the mystery of the missing buttons!

i have font, color, and alignment back! wonderful!

yes, it's 5:48 AM.

and yes, i've been up since 2:30.

really before that i slept off and on since 1:30

yes, i'm going to die today in class.


but i've gotten some work done on my english paper and on a speech for phi kappa (who knows if i'll ever finish it...) and i should have done more work, but i really enjoyed researching for my speech. on fashion. and i got a little distracted looking at shoes at neiman marcus online. can i just say i love the new designer i've discovered, Ferragamo. WONDERFUL! he has such delightfully tiny heels on all of his shoes. and i've seen wedges like i would have designed.

i really am thinking about designing shoes or something. i get so frustrated with those little details that designers miss. a stiletto that should have been a wedge, a a wedge that should have been a kitten heel, a chunky heel that should have been a kitten heel... ugh. and clothes too. if they had just pulled the skirt in a little more...etc, etc. very hard to deal with. but we'll see.

i'm slightly bummed that ashley can't come to b'ham with me this weekend, but i understand it's her sister's birthday. that's a good reason. i'm also a little sad that out of all of my friends here, only lesley has ever come to birmingham with me. and i've only ever been to augusta once. and after april, well... there's really nothing in may. just exams. oh how exciting!!

my eyes are tired... i'd really like to just go to sleep right now. but i really ought to go to the gym... hrm. which is more important? sleep or gym? i feel better when i go to the gym. i guess that.

it's almost time to leave though. i hope it's not cold outside right now. i'm already freezing in here. yuck. the problem is, dani is the one that gets sick if it's too hot, but my bed is the one right next to the air. i don't think she understands that. and sure, i try and compromise, but she'll have the room super cold while she's under the covers with jeans on and her little fan not turned on and get testy if i ask to cut the air down some. really now. i only have so many blankets.

at any rate, i guess i'll go to the gym. blegh.


Monday, April 04, 2005

monday again!

since it's been a week since i've updated, i figured i might as well write a bit. it's monday again, the weather is nice again, and i've just had a wonderful time out with candice and lisa. and i had an incredibly wonderful weekend with my phi kappans ;D

the party friday was awesome, debate thursday was seriously fun, initiation saturday was fun, and pr sunday was fun. yeesh! it's been great!

soco is this weekend at bsc. i'm super excited about that too. my friend ashley (the incredibly gorgeous phi kappan) should be coming with me for friday. sadly she can't stay saturday, but at least we'll have one night of fun together!

i got a B+ on my last english paper. i was really upset by that. i think he's grading really awfully. he said grades only went from a C- to an A-. and i KNOW that some people in there have to have AWFUL papers. i just know it. it's so unfair for me to get a B in there. i'm going to be super pissed off about that if i do. NOT COOL.

i've got another big phi kappa week coming up. freshman improptu is this week too, and i'm nervous about that. eck. hopefully it'll be fine, though. hopefully.

folk dancing was fun today. during one dance one of my partners kept looking at me funny and i asked him what was up and he said, "nothing, you just always look so calm and collected."

i'm not too sure what that means, but i guess it's a good thing? hrm.

put on my black capris for chapter today and I HAVE SLIMMED DOWN. it might just be 2 pounds or something, but it makes a difference. it's nice to be heading towards skinny again. i sort of screwed that up this weekend and today with my eating, but i'll get back on track the rest of the week. i'm broke, anyways.

my hair is getting long too! not long until i have the killer hair of a really good redhead! oh yeah!
