Monday, April 25, 2005


I'm really really cold. why is it so cold outside? it's april. yeesh.

only one more folk dancing class left, no more tennis, two more french classes, two more english classes, two more linguistics classes, bunch of german classes... well, four more german classes... it's so excited! tonight it when i become an alumna from sigma kappa. i'm excited and nervous about that. some people have gotten confused about where i'm transferring to, thinking i'm going to georgia state. no, i'm not. i'm going to tennessee tech. gossips. ah well. anyways, it's our very last chapter. sort of sad. this thursday is my last meeting of phi kappa, and it's just elections, so i'm not really sure if i'll be going or not. probably so, just to see everyone again. not too sure.

yesterday was mother/daughter day, and it was wonderful to see mommy again! we had a great time. it really wasn't much beyond just the eating, but it was still fun.

my english portfolio will be due soon. i need to come up with a "wildcard" work to put in, something not from this semester's english class. problem is, i've only been in one english class since high school, and that's this one. so i've been having a hard time decided what to put in. short of writing something new, i think i'll go with my phi kappa petitioning speech. it was a good one, i think. made people cry. we'll see. i'll have to ask if we can put in a speech even. and then i'll have to do editing because punctuation doesn't matter when you read something out loud.

so busy! i have a german test on monday, and a bunch of culture activities i need to go for then, and a bunch of online work for it, a french paper due tomorrow, my final copy of paper 5 for english due tomorrow, linguistics homework, AND trying to get ice cream tonight with chris after chapter. i'll have to see if i even have time to. hopefully so, because he's a fun guy to talk to.

how am i going to get all my shoes home? and clothes? this is stressful. only a few more days of loftiness left! daddy's coming to take my loft down on friday and I CANNOT WAIT! i'm so sick of climbing up and down and up and down... such a hassle.

no lofts at tn tech!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im really glad we got to have icecream tonight. Everything else was all right too. Try not to stress out because you will forget about tonight. It is good to have memories, so as long as you refer back to them from time to time. Ill make sure not to wear a jacket next time, but at least I was prepared this time.
Good night
sleep tight

April 25, 2005 at 9:59 PM  

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