Wednesday, April 13, 2005

another one

yes, that's right. another german test. i swear, i have more german tests than i do hairs on my head. and i've got a full head of hair. i'm so sick of those stupid online workbook things. and the lab manuals! yeesh! luckily, there's only one more test after this one. i'm GOING to stay on top of the last chapter so i don't have to scramble to finish the work. i WILL DO MY HOMEWORK FOR GERMAN!

only my oral french test left. my last linguistics test before the exam. only one more english paper
the year is blissfully almost done!

and i'll finally get to see my friends again. it's hard not seeing them. i miss our good times together. it's really hard to believe it's been a year since i decided to come to georgia. a whole year. time really does fly. or maybe it doesn't fly so much as it slips through your fingers in one silky filmy gush. it's like what happens when you watch too much sex and the city. time just escapes. or like what happens when you do too much german. is it 10:33 already?

i'm experiencing worry right now, and i don't like it. and it's not about school, it's more about my friends. it's weird. but i AM going to finish my german.



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