Monday, March 21, 2005

back at scholl

well i don't know where my colors went. oh well. stuck with these for a while. this has to be quick because i'm about to go to the gym. can you believe it?! yes. i am. it's 6 AM and if i don't go now i won't go at all. so i'm going.

i was thinking last night about what i'd miss here. and you know... i will miss sigma kappa. and i will miss phi kappa. regardless of how it sometimes gets on my nerves... because i'm a very touchy person and it's easy to get on my nerves. i've got to work on that. and you know, i do have some great friends i'll miss. lesley, the first person i met. and the lipscomb gals, kelly, jess, jenny, x-tina, they're fun! and kristen and brit-jo from english... i won't miss prof. vanderven's odd litle habits. so frustrating. but candi and lisa- that'll be sad too. i probably, i've realized, too what they said the wrong way or didn't say what i wanted to when i told them i was leaving. so yeah. which, oddly enough... i know is true because after i just wrote that i had an IM from candice which said about the same thing. feelings are so easy to get hurt.

so, in conclusion, i do like UGA. and i'm super glad that i had a year here. but it's just not the right place for me. i think i picked it based on going back home and telling people i went to UGA, instead of being currently happy there. and at TTU, no, it won't be as awesome saying i go there, but i don't need to factor people from home into my decision. they don't count. i shouldn't worry about them. i should be happy enough at that school that i stay there all the time. and mom really thinks i'll be perfect there. i'm excited about that.

so... gym time! ugh.



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