Monday, April 04, 2005

monday again!

since it's been a week since i've updated, i figured i might as well write a bit. it's monday again, the weather is nice again, and i've just had a wonderful time out with candice and lisa. and i had an incredibly wonderful weekend with my phi kappans ;D

the party friday was awesome, debate thursday was seriously fun, initiation saturday was fun, and pr sunday was fun. yeesh! it's been great!

soco is this weekend at bsc. i'm super excited about that too. my friend ashley (the incredibly gorgeous phi kappan) should be coming with me for friday. sadly she can't stay saturday, but at least we'll have one night of fun together!

i got a B+ on my last english paper. i was really upset by that. i think he's grading really awfully. he said grades only went from a C- to an A-. and i KNOW that some people in there have to have AWFUL papers. i just know it. it's so unfair for me to get a B in there. i'm going to be super pissed off about that if i do. NOT COOL.

i've got another big phi kappa week coming up. freshman improptu is this week too, and i'm nervous about that. eck. hopefully it'll be fine, though. hopefully.

folk dancing was fun today. during one dance one of my partners kept looking at me funny and i asked him what was up and he said, "nothing, you just always look so calm and collected."

i'm not too sure what that means, but i guess it's a good thing? hrm.

put on my black capris for chapter today and I HAVE SLIMMED DOWN. it might just be 2 pounds or something, but it makes a difference. it's nice to be heading towards skinny again. i sort of screwed that up this weekend and today with my eating, but i'll get back on track the rest of the week. i'm broke, anyways.

my hair is getting long too! not long until i have the killer hair of a really good redhead! oh yeah!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hair race!

April 5, 2005 at 6:39 PM  

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