Monday, October 25, 2004

happiness is...

finding a pencil. and guess what- i found one today. i was taking a geology test, or rather, was about to, and i couldn't find a pencil. and then, miracle of miracles, i found one deep in my bag. it was awesome.

so that test is over with. which is very very nice.

tonight i went to CVS to get a prescription refilled, and when i walked out, i passed by the hookah smokers. they always see me walking out by myself, so i feel like a loser. so when i went back in, i was on the phone with my friend catherine, and i spoke in french the whole time. chic, i know. and uber-cool.

but i do miss my catherine. i'm so excited i get to see anna on wednesday when

oh my GOSH i need this break.
school has just been dragging on and on and on the past few weeks. it's almost unbearable. i mean, the classes pass by quickly, but it's just so tiring. i feel so worn out. i wish we had all week, but i'll take what i can get.

i can't wait to go to the dentist too over fall break. i love the dentist. i love the feeling of starting out with a completely fresh mouth, no germs, no plaque, nothing at all. it's so refreshing and exciting! i also love when they do the water stream and the sucker thing. that's awesome.

anyways. i have a french test tomorrow. and 8 am history.
night yall!


Friday, October 22, 2004

the wheels on the bus...

so today i went to eat lunch at snelling with my pal maggie. afterwards, i was feeling too lazy to make the exceptional climb up to my art appreciation class, so i decided to take a bus. however, i have never before taken a bus by myself, and certainly not to class. therefore, i did not know which bus to take. since maggie had no clue either, i decided to ask a nice looking boy standing before me.

the conversation went something like this:

me: excuse me
him: yeah
me: do you know what bus i should take to get to lamar dodd school of art?
him: where is it?
me: north campus?
him: take north south.
me: oh! thanks! do i want it this direction?
him: yeah. you a freshman?
me: is it that obvious?
him: nahhh. i'm a transfer student, so i know what it's like.
me: oh really? where from?
him: just a small school in alabama.
me: really?! what school?
him: samford.
me: !!! i'm from birmingham!!

and thus we hit it off. boy oh boy is he a cutie. he also ended up on the same bus as me and i just loved talking to him. we talked all about birmingham and greek life and track and georgia... it was great. however- i didn't quite catch his name. i know he's from marietta, and went to westminster, and he's on the track field here, and he was a sigma chi at samford, but that's all i've got. i think his name is something like daniel or david, but i'm not sure. it's such a bummer. he was so nice.

needless to say, i'll be back at the bus stop on monday.

i hope everyone's day was great
mine was


Thursday, October 21, 2004

Le Huitieme Jour

well we watched the rest of Le Huitieme Jour (the eigth day) today. it was such a weird movie. There was Harry, a workaholic whose job it was to teach banks the appropriate way to sell (eye contact, smile, give an impression of sucess, imitate your client...etc). then there was george, a downs-syndrom man who lived in a home for downs-syndrome people and who had visions of his dead mother and a singer named luis mariano. as i'm sure you can figure out, they meet and george rubs off on harry and gets him to enjoy the lighter side of life. and then george commits suicide (sorry if i ruined the movie for you).

the movie was a lot more interesting before the ending. i was quite disappointed by george suiciding himself. if he really was "an angel" or "something special" then shouldn't he have been able to make it here without Maman? And though we saw harry playing well with his children, did he ever work again? the man appears to be insane. i just don't like these unanswered questions.

i think that's why philosophy bothers me so much-i was just fine not asking questions, but now that i've asked them, where are the answers?

that's really all i have to say. not much, just a bit.


we've only just begun

i've been inspired by bonnie to do this. my older sister (much love sel!) told me long ago that writing every day will make your grades better, and boy oh boy do i need help (not THAT much, but higher would be great). so here goes.

i thought that writing in georgia font would be appropriate, since that's where i am, in georgia. actually, in "the classic city" of athens. i used to be in "the magic city" but not so much now.

we have another initiation ceremony tonight and everything is so serious, it seems. well, i take that back. last night's ceremony was far from super serious, but still- it seems like such a big step. i don't know. i'm just rambling here.

i'm so tired. i can't sleep much because silly roommate keeps the room arctic and that interferes with my ability to actually sleep (the shivering, i mean). and she turns on an extra fan for herself. yet when i wake up, she's huddled underneath tons of blanket... i think she's cold. go figure.

anyways- it's time to head off to french... we're watching Le Huitieme Jour and it's really quite interesting... when i get back i'll have to explain.
