Monday, March 28, 2005

my eyes

won't stay open! i'm so tired. just my eyes though. it's weird.

no tennis today, got up early to go to the gym. i didn't much feel like exercising, but i did it. german was good- it's such an easy class. i like it. folk dancing was good, i asked her if we could not do koribushka but do carnivalito instead and she said sure. so, we ended up doing tea time mountain stomp, les quebequecois, the hungarian la la dance, carnivalito, the swedish happy are we dance, AND kinderpolka. my favorites! it was great.

i'm avoiding correcting my french paper. i got sucked into some star academy 4 drama reading on the betrayal of radia and gregory's eventual win and that was fun... i've been immersed in french culture today.

there was a HUGE bee in here too. i killed it. and dani was nice enough to pick it up for me. i didn't want to touch it.

i need to do my work. ugh.

i have to fix this paper and do my french presentation on popular french should be easy enough i just need to practice.

i just took a quick nap and i'm feeling better. ugh. at least chapter is informal.

i found out that when mom comes for mother-daughter tea she'll have to help me take my loft down. i'm excited about that. i'm sick of this stupid climbing stuff. school's almost finished! then it'll be warm and sunny! can't wait!


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

happy camel-hump day!

well it's a nice wednesday afternoon. i thought it was going to be gross all day, but it turned out great. tennis was cancelled, i got in a good workout, went to kroger, went to german and did fairly well in there, had fun in folk dancing, learned some clogging dance, did laundry, finished my paper, cleaned the room, started packing up winter clothes, finished my linguistics homework and now i'm avoiding french and german. oh well. all in all a good run, i think.

game night is tonight (phi kappa). i'm just too tired to go. i need to go to bed early so i'll be ok to drive to tennessee (5 HOURS!) friday or maybe thursday. depending on the intersociety debate. probably go friday.

i've got to figure out this transcript information. i can't figure oasis out. it's confusing.egh.

i found out i'll be early alum for sigma kappa. i'm excited about that. i'll still BE a sigma kappa, i just won't be one.

anyways. homework. i can't put it off much longer. it needs to get done so i can have some quiet time tonight.


Monday, March 21, 2005

back at scholl

well i don't know where my colors went. oh well. stuck with these for a while. this has to be quick because i'm about to go to the gym. can you believe it?! yes. i am. it's 6 AM and if i don't go now i won't go at all. so i'm going.

i was thinking last night about what i'd miss here. and you know... i will miss sigma kappa. and i will miss phi kappa. regardless of how it sometimes gets on my nerves... because i'm a very touchy person and it's easy to get on my nerves. i've got to work on that. and you know, i do have some great friends i'll miss. lesley, the first person i met. and the lipscomb gals, kelly, jess, jenny, x-tina, they're fun! and kristen and brit-jo from english... i won't miss prof. vanderven's odd litle habits. so frustrating. but candi and lisa- that'll be sad too. i probably, i've realized, too what they said the wrong way or didn't say what i wanted to when i told them i was leaving. so yeah. which, oddly enough... i know is true because after i just wrote that i had an IM from candice which said about the same thing. feelings are so easy to get hurt.

so, in conclusion, i do like UGA. and i'm super glad that i had a year here. but it's just not the right place for me. i think i picked it based on going back home and telling people i went to UGA, instead of being currently happy there. and at TTU, no, it won't be as awesome saying i go there, but i don't need to factor people from home into my decision. they don't count. i shouldn't worry about them. i should be happy enough at that school that i stay there all the time. and mom really thinks i'll be perfect there. i'm excited about that.

so... gym time! ugh.


Sunday, March 20, 2005

sunday. last day of spring break.

for some reason, i don't get to pick colors or anything on this computer or on cat's. i don't know what's up with that. ah well.

so last night was super fun! we got dance-stalked by this random guy, and these other two guys just thought it was the funniest thing. we got invited to theta chi when we left sigma chi, but we ended up not going because once we got back over to theta chi after getting our jackets, they had left the chill porch area and we didn't feel like chasing down (b?)roscoe/oscar and chad/z.


i had a lot of fun dancing last night. i don't like to booty dance, per se, but i like to otherwise just to good music. fun dancing. not serious dancing. i'm no good at booty dancing, anyways. i'm super white.


i'm now very very tired. ugh. we got in late and i had to get up super early. mom had asked me to do children's assemblies today and i had agreed. and now i really wish i hadn't. in the first one, there were only 3 kids total, counting macy, so we skipped the dancing song which is really good because i don't know it. at all. mom showed me once before the 8:30 assembly. already gone completely out of my head. then, the power point got messed up on the scriptures, so i didn't finish reading it at all. i felt bad because it was important Palm Sunday scripture. eep. then we left on a rather depressed note, because i sucked at leading assembly in the 8:30 sunday school hour.

still have the next one to go. arghghghghghghfdlkafjklasdjfklas;f. i don't want to do it!

i'm driving back to georgia today. it's weird because i know i won't be there next year. i feel like i'm in limbo or something. eck.

regardless,i'll need a nap before i leave. no way can i drive 5 hours on such little sleep!

call me, loves, because i'll be lonely in georgia without yall!


Saturday, March 19, 2005


i'm on catherine's laptop and she's rubbing my shoulders for me and it feels goooooood.

i got pulled over for drunk driving last night. i laughed. and then i was mad. power tripping policeman.

sigma chi party tonight. fun stuff!! definitely going to tennessee tech. they gave me my scholarship back too! i'm so super excited about it! i don't get to learn how to cook this summer, since i'm going to summer school at ttu, but that's ok. i'll be meeting tons of people and getting ahead in my classes, since i'll lose some of my credits georgia gave me from AP and clep, i think. but it's ok, because at Christmas i had 35 hours. i took 15 hours my first semester. yeah. so i'll be fine.

yay back to back rub. i love cat's massages.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

spring break day 5?

well i think that's right, at any rate. it's tuesday.

i've decided to go forth with the tennessee tech transfer. i'm so excited! even without the scholarship i should get, it's a whole heck of a lot cheaper, i love the campus, i'll be 30 minutes from rock island, and there's no awful downtown like in athens! yea!

birmingham has been fun. slightly boring. i sort of wish i was at the beach, but this'll do. i'm eating lunch with mommy today, dropping macy's dance bag off at her school, and maybe working on my french presentation. or maybe i'll go to the gym instead. i've already cleaned out my car though, and i'm proud of that. i washed it really well the other day, but then it rained. i think i'll run through a gas station wash just to get it a little better. i don't know.

going to tennessee thursday and friday. can't wait for that!! then cat's coming in friday and i'm supposed to get midnight sushi and michael's frat is having a band party, but i think it's for derby days and so it'll be absolutely huge. not sure if i want to go. i'll think on it.

i saw ben stein last night. he's a wonderful wonderful man! ooh it was good. he's very funny, and very smart too. i liked him a lot. some of my bsc friends didn't, but that's to be expected. he's very conservative. i would have hated him last year. it's funny that he's such a big favorite of that left wing youth crowd, but he's so very right wing. odd.

i think i'm going to see anna tonight. i'm excited about that too! yay for plans!

i feel ugly today but i'm still pretty happy. i might go shopping. get some new shades or something.


Friday, March 11, 2005

spring break day 1

well i'm home in birmingham and things have been slow and then again very incredibly fast.

i've gotten pretty serious about transferring. i really think tennessee tech will be perfect for me. i hope. i'm just not that happy with georgia. it's so big. and i've outgrown the downtown culture. and i just don't like it as much as i thought i would. and everything about it that i don't like, tennessee tech has. so i'm excited about that. i've email the admissions office there to see if it's too late or what, since i was already admitted with scholarships last year. mom and i will probably be going up to visit later on next week.

i think i'd really miss sigma kappa and phi kappa. but let's face it, i hardly do anything with sigma kappa. and i hardly do anything with phi kappa too, come to think of it. ugh. so maybe i won't miss anything that much? i don't know. i won't be able to be in a sorority there, that kelsey and i know of, but i can be a little sister for a fraternity or something, and therefore still get to go to formals and all. and i think i'll feel more confident and at ease in a smaller more rural school where i can stand out as the sophisticated person. i like that. i thought i like georgia being all sophisticated, but i think i'd prefer to stand out. and i'll be closer to an area that i know well (rock island) and my grandparents.

there are other unrestful things afoot in the grissom family, but i'll save those for a later time. as it stands, i'm hoping to hear from tennessee tech soon and start making plans.

if i transferred, do you think people would talk bad about me or look down on me? i don't know.

oh! but here's what killed me. i told a few people about transferring and basically the response i got was "well i like it! sorry!" and "well that's too bad!" not a single "oh my heavens we'll miss you though!" evidently... i won't be missed. i can deal with that. yay for switching schools!

PLUS it'll be much cheaper. yay for that too!!

let me know what yall think. good move? bad move? hmm? and what happens if it IS too late?!


take it

it doesn't feel like it. i'm packing and about to leave though. odd.

i made a quiz, in the fashion of catherine.

here it is:

take it!

i'll see anyone in birmingham this week. can't wait!


Wednesday, March 09, 2005


i made the executive decision to skip tennis today. it's my first actual miss. it's cold.

on top of that, when i was climbing the mountain that is my loft last night, my foot slipped off the rung and i bruised and scraped my ankle. it hurts really bad. and i caught myself on a ribish area, and that hurts a lot too.

i'm so ready for spring break. i want to just be at home. it's so weird that i was so incredibly anxious to leave my house and now i just want to go back all the time. i still kind of want to go to BSC. it would be a good fit for me now, i think. i don't know though. i'd probably drink too much there. maybe just a small school in general. i don't know that i'm cut out for this big school stuff. tennessee tech is looking really good right now. especially since all i really want to do is major in english and do teach for america or that DOD program teaching overseas. it doesn't matter much where i go to school for that. needless to say, i'm not very happy here right now, and it's the first time i've seriously second guessed myself. if i hadn't already paid dues and all for sigma kappa next year... i might just transfer. but it's too late for that. i'm such a loser.

wow. i'm just now thinking about it and i am really a loser. i've got several goodish friends but no really GOOD friends. i call people my best friends but it doesn't really work out like that. i'm just a part of their lives by a thread. we'll see how long that lasts next year. maybe this is just a down in the dumps day and i'll get over it and be happy here again, like i was last semester. maybe i just haven't found those good friends yet. who knows.

i've got to get ready for german though. at least there i'm doing well. i have a test in that class tomorrow. i enjoy german, not because i really like it but because i get easy As in that class. by the way, i got a 94% on my last linguistics test. THAT'S RIGHT. i'm making As again! except for french, which only makes me that more certain i'll be going for an english major.


Sunday, March 06, 2005

s-i-g-m-a k-a-p-p-a

sigma kappa you will see
is the best sorority

i'm so excited about RUSH! i just can't wait for it! the songs we have are really good and singy and we SOUND good on it. we even have some harmony parts! i mean seriously! i'm going to be such a good rusher! i'm going to MAKE myself good at it. i can't wait!


i do need to start thinking about a job for this summer, on top of my cooking time. i'm super excited about training with a chef, but i need money too. so i've just got to find a good job that pays well. and i don't really care if i have to give up hanging out most nights. that'll make those nights when i can hang out that much better. regardless, though, i need a job.

i have only 4 short days until



i just can't wait.

we have a social wednesday night- millionaires and trophy wives. i need a good outfit. i think i'll actually go to this one. i haven't been to a social in ages and i'd like to hang out with my future roommates. i wish i knew them better! but it'll be fun, i think, living with 3 other girls in the house next year. i'm looking forward to it.

candice is definitely in the sorority next year!!! i was so ecstatic when she told me today. i love candice and i can't imagine sigma k without her!


i need to get a move on some german homework that was due... last week. haha.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005


today has been rather pleasant.
i didn't have to stay at tennis today- she said it was too cold so we could leave if we wanted to. that was nice.
german wasn't too painful.
i went to the slc to do my english work for my midterm conference, and got it all done.
met lauren and kristen at the tate bus stop (nice surprise to see lauren there!). i was happy that kristen could come to folk dancing today. she's so sweet and really a lot of fun. she seemed to have a good time too.

we did some of my favorite dances in folk dancing today. we did the birdie in the cage contra dance, AND the german lumberjack dance.

then i ate lunch with kristen, lisa, flynn, and some other girl. it was good. and i was stuffed.

i had my midterm english conference after that. i was a little upset to hear that my participation grade was only a B+, but if that's what i have, then seriously... what's he giving everyone else?

but it was pretty easy. we went over my last paper and i think he was just a little too picky on my paper. some things that he counted off for...well...

but he did ask me if i was an english major. we talked a little about double majoring or comparative lit. but i really don't like to read french. i like to speak french. i'm so excited about conversational french class- i can't wait to take that!

since then i've just been doing homework or reading or doing nothing. it's been nice. i have that linguistics test tomorrow, but i'm not too concerned with it. i've kind of shut down, now that i've realized spring break is VERY soon!

i need a week away from my roommate. things aren't going well (do they ever?) and i'm just getting sick of her. she's not very nice. and certainly not personable. and she's just very immature.

for example
yesterday i was taking a nap when her very loud friend came in. they had an entire conversation in normal-loud tones while i was asleep. they woke me up. i huffed a little, ahemed a little, and flounced around. and they did nothing. so afterwards i said something to her. she said, "well, remember there are 2 people in this room. you do it too!"

frankly, no, i don't.
i did have a phone conversation in here once while she was asleep, but i used low tones and tried to keep quiet. she never does that. she also refuses to turn the doorknob all the way so that it closes quietly. she burst into the room at 7:15 monday morning like that. i was very upset with her. i now have no qualms about drying my hair in the morning or hitting the snooze button. she's a sophomore, she can live in an apartment. i can't. she can deal.

also, i'm cold.

i'm coming home this weekend for anna's birthday! i'm so excited. i have so many wonderful plans i just can't wait. and yes, playing rook is one of them! ginna and i are riding home together, and i'm very excited about that. the drive goes so much faster with someone else in the car with you. we'll have to leave friday around noon and have to come back early sunday, but i'm excited.

and then spring break is just the weekend after this one! ooh lovely!

last night i had a monopoly on the tv. so i got gilmore girls/american idol, one tree hill/sex and the city, and then whatever else i wanted to watch. it was wonderful. it's so nice to get to watch gilmore girls again. it's a great show. and i always love sex and the city.

but i need to finish up my french paper. i found a great website on french culture, especially french education for it (

yall should check it out. it's neato.
